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New ultrasound at Fraser Canyon Hospital

Aug 5, 2022 | Community, Donation, Equipment

Fraser Canyon Hospital (FCH) has recently moved Ambulatory Care services from the Emergency Department to its own room. The move allows for better service for both Emergency and Ambulatory patients alike.

The services have recently been enhanced with the addition of a Site Right Ultrasound.  “Patients that may have had to go to Chilliwack General Hospital due to hard-to-find or collapsed veins can now get treatment right here,” explained Dr. Aseem Grover, Site Medical Director, FCH.

“A generous donation made by Bud Gardner and Family in the memory of his wife Elaine.  This gift made the ultrasound and a greatly needed bladder scanner a reality for FCH, said Liz Harris – Executive Director of Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation. “Hope continues to be a giving community that supports their healthcare. The Gardner family is a testament to that”

Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation raises funds for vital equipment and programs funded or endorsed by Fraser Health. They serve the communities of Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack, Hope, Agassiz, and Harrison Hot Springs.

If you would like more information or to help support your local hospital, you can do so by contacting FVHCF at 1-877-661-0314 or online at

All funds raised in Hope go to support healthcare in Hope.

Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation