Donate Today
Thank you for your donation to support the hospitals in the eastern Fraser Valley. Your donation is making an impact!
To make a donation, simply submit the secure form below. Donations can also be sent via e-transfer to
If you have any questions regarding donation, dont hesitate to reach out to us.
Is there a specific campaign, section of the hospital, or piece of medical equipment that you would like to support?
Make your one-time donation to the area of your choice and leave with area you would like the funds to go to in the comment below the designated area, or the comment blank and donate to the greatest need. All online donations receive an instant tax receipt.
You can also choose to do monthly gifts.
Simply select the box next to make this a monthly gift and then the rest is just an automatic withdrawal from your credit card each month on the first. You will also receive one tax receipt at the end of the year.