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A Warm Welcome from ABBY: Persons Living with Dementia Gain Access to Meaningful Activity

Sep 26, 2024 | Community, Donation, Equipment

Thanks to a generous donation from Sansar and Sawtantra Chauhan persons living with dementia at Bradley Centre, Long Term Care Facility, have received a warm welcome from ABBY an ambient activity technology for those living with dementia.

Dementia is an age-related progressive loss of cognitive function mostly affecting those 65 years and above. The condition is marked by a range of different symptoms including but not limited to trouble communicating, memory issues, and confused thinking.

The person-centred technology, ABBY, offers meaningful activity for those living with dementia. The interactive technology allows residents’ to be stimulated through various programs such as, petting a cat or turning a steering wheel to drive in the countryside. ABBY can also be personalised for families/friends to upload photos, songs, and favourite television shows to create purposeful engagements with loved ones.

According to Aaron Docksteader, manager of clinical operations, Bradley Centre Long Term Care, “many residents use the system all on their own and those who require assistance, the staff and family members help them with the interaction. Our next step, we are looking at customizing some of the interactions based on the seasons and special events”.

Elizabeth Harris, executive director, Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation, is especially proud of this purchase and is looking to bring the state-of-the-art technology to other health care sites. As she says, “the wall mounted technology is easy to use and provides tangible experiences for those living with dementia in the Fraser Valley. It is most definitively an empowering technology for our residents”.
With an aging population, the number of people living with dementia in Canada is set to rise therefore we need to continue to focus on our physical, mental and emotional health; and especially help those living with dementia in long-term care homes. The Chauhan’s kind gift is a gesture of honouring those with dementia, “we have seen some of our friends suffer from dementia and we wanted to help others maintain their ability” they say.

Dr. Jassal, donor relations, says “there needs to be greater steps made towards the psychological well-being for those living with dementia. ABBY is a person centered technology that helps enrich the care environment by keeping the mind stimulated”. If you would like to support the Foundation in helping those living with dementia please contact: or visit to learn more.

Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation